Thursday, 1 September 2016

I think we can safely call this rock-bottom...

So, I've been away from here.  I set this blog up to be a place to chronicle something great- a life-changing experience- and so far all the changes I've been through have been negative.  The short walks?  Never happened.  Not for lack of trying, but I never really regained the strength after I had flu.  In fact, since my last post my mobility has declined dramatically, and my weight has actually increased significantly.  I have become border-line house-bound by it, and much as my GP is awesome, he's been at a loss to really help.  There is some speculation that I may be developing arthritis in my spine, but it could just be the weight.  Either way, I can't do anything- can't walk more than 50feet without stopping, can't use the exercise bike without massive amounts of pain.... definitely can't rollerskate.  None of it's good.

Just for fun, let's re-cap all the bad things that have happened to me since Christmas:

-Diagnosed with scarily high Blood Pressure.
-Lost my work contract (as I feared), and now unemployed.
-Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
-Loss of mobility.
-Discovered a very large ovarian cyst after it caused crippling, oh-god-I'm-dying pain that landed me in A+E.
-Now need a walking stick to lean on while out and about.
-Unable to play Pokemon Go properly due to being more or less housebound.
-Unsurprising relapse of depression.

Doesn't look good, does it?

But, there are some positives!  And I am not taking this lying down....  For one thing, I've re-joining Slimming World, because it has worked for me in the past (though I did eventually relapse.)  My plan is to lose enough to tide me over until I can get my appointment with the barriatric team, since my willpower alone is unlikely to get me through to a healthy weight even if the diet does work in the short term.  Also, I'll be attending Slimming Wold with a friend of mine, and with any luck the extra support from her will help keep me going.

On the health/doctor side of things, I have a few good things on the horizon:

-I should be seeing the barriatric team at the end of September, if all goes to plan.
-I am due a scan for the cyst, so that the gynae team can take the damn thing out.  I am a man.  It's bad enough that I *have* ovaries, without them also producing pain-inducing giant balls of crap instead of doing their usual job.
-Vague promise that the gynae team will also remove all my remaining internal woman-bits, which will prevent the cyst from coming back.
-Found and purchased the most awesome walking stick that ever existed.

I also have not given up on my dream.  I started this blog because I want to chase marathon runners in a dinosaur costume, and dammit, that's still going to happen.   If my back really is screwed for good, then I'll just have to do it in a wheelchair or on a Segway, or something.  I can be Wheelasaurus Rex.  If my back recovers and I actually manage to lose weight, then it'll be Slimasaurus Rex.  But one way or another, it's going to happen.

I'm giving myself until my 35th birthday.
That's 3 years, so I don't think it's an unreasonable amount of time to get this sorted.  I'm also going to keep a record here of my weight loss, starting with my official Slimming World weigh-in from yesterday.

I'm ashamed to say that I am currently 23stone and 8.5lbs.  That's just over 330lbs.
It can only get lower from here though; if it gets any higher, I'm pretty sure I'm going to collapse under my own weight and we all know that that's how black holes form.  And nobody wants that happening in the middle of a built-up area.

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