Sunday 17 April 2016

Small Update.

I have not been idle.

My attempts to lose weight (which as I've said before, is a small part of my overall master-plan) have not really come to anything, though I am making an effort to eat more healthily, which is certainly making me feel better, physically.  This is good, because- frankly speaking- my life is falling apart around me.  My contract at work is up for renewal, and there is every possibility that my employer will choose to let it lapse rather than keep me on.  This has hit me hard.  I love my job, and finding another position will be difficult even once I have recovered.

I tried out the rollerskates last week.  I fell over, but it was fun. ;)  I have no regrets!

In more practical news, I have dusted off my old exercise bike, which isn't much fun to use and makes my arse hurt.  But, it is useful.  I'm only doing a little bit every day to start off with, but it's something.

More updates as events warrant, I suppose....  

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